Serving: 3 cups
Human beings are prone to addiction, so why not get addicted to healthy things? Every season I try to follow a one week detox diet to recharge myself. The most important part of any diet I followed is lemon water on an empty stomach as it alkalizes your body. This has become my morning addiction and the coffee less drink I can't start my day without..
1/2 small lemon squeezed
1 cinnamon stick
5 whole cardamons
2 leaves fresh mint
1/2" slice fresh ginger
1. let the cinnamon, the cardamon, and the ginger boil for 5 minutes with 3 cups of water (cover the mixture)
2. In a mug pour the lemon juice and the leaves
3. Add the hot water mixture to the mug and drink warm
Lemons: super antioxidants, alkalizing, rich in vitamin c
Cardamon: is a mild stimulant (great to start your mornings), detoxifies, aids in digestion, supports oral health, relieves cold and flue symptoms, it s a fiber rich spice, prevents blood clots,helps get rid of hiccups, is anti inflammatory
Ginger: stimulates circulation, anti inflammatory, reduces gas, fights cold, supports intestinal health
Cinnamon: is anti diabetic, supports brain function, can protect against parkinson
You might not be ready to quit your coffee, but give my cofetilla a chance before you consume your morning caffeine. Make it a habit and it will soon turn into an addiction:)